Figure 1. Cross-section from the Unimicron process from reference [1]. The last post discussed the dry film EMC using a printed circuit board vacuum lamination approach. The panel size was 508 mm x 508 mm [1]. Panel level processing will ultimately result in lower cost per unit. What will be some of the major technical challenges? The epoxy molding compound (EMC) ... [Click to Continue...]
Panel Process for Fan Out Wafer Level Packaging: Part Two
This post will focus on some of the emerging technologies being developed for fan-out panel level (FO-PLP) processing. The epoxy molding process for fan-out wafer level packaging (FO-WLP on the lower part in the image above) used compression molding of either liquid or powdered epoxy mold compound (EMC). The process and materials were optimized to provide uniform thickness ... [Click to Continue...]
Panel Process for Fan Out Wafer Level Packaging: Part One
In our series on polymers in electronics late last year, materials for fan-out wafer level packaging were covered in some detail. I attended the Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) the last week in May and in the next several posts, I will highlight what I see as some of the emerging themes. With fan-out wafer level packaging (or whatever name the various ... [Click to Continue...]
Electron Microscopy and the Polymer Guy
The expanded and updated eBook "Rheology of Thermosets" is completed and available on the site. Check it out here The updated "Dielectric Cure Monitoring" ebook will be released shortly followed by the "Polymers in Electronic Packaging" ebook. I was attending the Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) last week. The ECTC is the largest conference ... [Click to Continue...]
Happy Memorial Day
Have a safe and relaxing Memorial Day ... [Click to Continue...]