Guest Post by Steve Erickson Recently, an elderly woman was the recipient of the first 3D-printed body part: a lower jaw replacement. Soon after, an American man made headlines for being one of the first recipients of a 3D-printed medical implant, with 75% of his skull replaced with a custom-made, printed implant. These stories hint at what is to come. With 3D printing of ... [Click to Continue...]
The Winding Road to Renewable Thermoset Polymers Part 4: Phenolic Resins
Guest Post by Dr. Robert Humphreys Depending on your age, chances are your parents, grandparents or great-grandparents made most of their telephone calls with a rotary-dial phone manufactured with Bakelite. It was heavy, came in black only, and was almost indestructible. If you have children or grandchildren under the age of 20, show them the image. Unless they watch “Leave it ... [Click to Continue...]
Compostable Cups at Angels Stadium
I was at Angels Stadium in Anaheim, CA on Sunday when the Angels were playing the Oakland Athletics. My “adult beverage” came in a polylactic acid (PLA) cup. I needed the adult beverage since Bartolo Colon (the 40 year old pitcher for the Oakland A’s) was pitching “lights out” on his way to a complete game shutout (6-0) of the Angels. His nasty sinker stymied the Angels ... [Click to Continue...]
The Winding Road to Renewable Thermoset Polymers Part 3: Thermoset Polyurethanes
Guest Post by Dr. Robert Humphreys Transport any daring, young skateboarder back in time to the days before thermoset polyurethanes (PUs) and watch their enthusiasm for the sport dissipate as their knee and ankle joints respond to cold steel rolling on concrete and asphalt. Indeed, whether the application is skateboards, roller skates, suitcases, or forklifts, thermoset PU’s ... [Click to Continue...]
The Winding Road to Renewable Thermoset Polymers: Part 2 Unsaturated Polyester (UP) Resins
Guest Post by Dr. Robert Humphreys If your idea of a relaxing day is cruising on the lake in your boat, chances are you appreciate the properties of “fiberglass” construction. Fiberglass is light weight, strong, and easily formed into a wide range of shapes. Besides pleasure boats, applications include body panels for automobiles and trucks, bathtubs and shower stalls, ... [Click to Continue...]