Guest Post by Dr. Lawrence Judovits, Arkema, and Dr. R. Bruce Prime In the previous post we listed the characteristics of 5-minute epoxies as described on their packaging and we showed MTDSC data for Devcon® and Gorilla® 5-minute epoxies illustrating the complexity of their cures. In this post we describe the further characterization of these epoxies from Tg – time curves ... [Click to Continue...]
MTDSC of Thermosets Part 4: Five-Minute Epoxy
Guest Post by Dr. Lawrence Judovits, Arkema, and Dr. R. Bruce Prime In the previous posts in this series we have described the principles of modulated temperature DSC and its application to the cure of thermosets. In this post we describe the characterization of a common two-part epoxy, Devcon® 5 Minute Epoxy, that is readily available at hardware ... [Click to Continue...]
MTDSC of Thermosets Part 3: Isothermal Cure
Guest Post by Dr. R. Bruce Prime In the previous post we showed how MTDSC in the heating mode can be used to provide insight into the cure of thermosets that cannot be obtained by standard DSC. Here we show how MTDSC in the quasi-isothermal or QiDSC mode can be used to characterize thermoset cure. Isothermal measurements are often preferred when ... [Click to Continue...]
MTDSC of Thermosets Part 2: Nonisothermal Cure
Guest Post by Dr. R. Bruce Prime In the previous post we introduced modulated temperature DSC and described the basic principles. Here we show how MTDSC can be used to provide insight into the nonisothermal cure of thermosets, much of which cannot be obtained by standard DSC. The figure below shows the MTDSC of an uncured amine-epoxy system at 1 ... [Click to Continue...]
MTDSC of Thermosets Part 1: Introduction to Modulated Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Guest Post by Dr. Lawrence Judovits, Arkema, and Dr. R. Bruce Prime We welcome back Dr. R. Bruce Prime along with fellow thermal analyst Dr. Larry Judovits from Arkema for a series of posts on MTDSC. Modulated temperature differential scanning calorimetry (MTDSC) is a family of techniques where a temperature modulation is overlaid on a linear heating or cooling ramp ... [Click to Continue...]