Many companies have been “sitting on the sidelines” during the recent recession and subsequent slow recovery. It’s time to “get back in the game” by jump starting your innovation efforts. In this post we will outline seven reasons to get your innovation juices flowing again or start to get serious about innovation. So let’s dive in. The 7 reasons to jump start ... [Click to Continue...]
Happy Labor Day
To all my loyal blog readers Back next Monday with some thoughts on innovation. ... [Click to Continue...]
My First Think Pad
I was cleaning out my garage last Saturday (doesn’t everyone need to get rid of some of the stuff we collect?) and I came across some of my old IBM stuff in a box. To my surprise, I discovered a THINK pad, and not my laptop (I also have a Lenovo ThinkPad laptop). I got this when I joined IBM right out of grad school in 1982. It is an original leather bound THINK pad. Many ... [Click to Continue...]
Two New eBooks Added to the eBook Store
Thank you to all my loyal blog readers. We had two large series over the past year; one on Rheology of Thermosets and the second on Dielectric Cure Monitoring for Thermostes. I recently compiled them into eBooks and they are available in the eBook Store. Click on the image below for more information and to purchase your copy of the ... [Click to Continue...]
MTDSC of Thermosets Part 6: Sixty-Minute Epoxy
Guest Post by Dr. Lawrence Judovits, Arkema, and Dr. R. Bruce Prime In the previous posts we presented the characterization of two 5-minute epoxies. In this last post in this series we contrast these fast reacting systems with a slower reacting 60-minute epoxy, and because it is slower reacting with a higher Tg we are able to observe vitrification in addition to cure by ... [Click to Continue...]