Some thermoset polymers have useful properties in the as-cured condition. However, many thermosets are modified using fillers to achieve the desired properties. Fillers are used to: Lower coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) Increase electrical conductivity Increase thermal conductivity Improve impact strength or fracture toughness Increase stiffness Reduce ... [Click to Continue...]
Thank You Veterans
Special recognition to my late father, Captain Douglas E. Gotro, US Army, Korean War Veteran and Sergeant Nathaniel Holmes, USMC, Iraq War Veteran ... [Click to Continue...]
When Is Innovation Not Innovation?
Last week my wife and I were flying back to Chicago for a Northwestern football game and I was using the restroom at the Orange County airport before we boarded. I washed my hands and then reached for the paper towel dispenser. I put my hand under the sensor (where the little sign said to place my hands) and nothing happened. Another guy came up and he tried as well. ... [Click to Continue...]
Value Proposition In New Product Development
In recent posts we have been talking about new products, what are new products, how to evaluate new product ideas. I want to spend some time on one of the key aspects to get right for any new product and that is the value proposition. Customers don’t buy products, they buy the value they get for their money. Let’s think about a few products that have good value ... [Click to Continue...]
Happy Halloween
Wishing all our readers a Happy Halloween. I am at the International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society (IMAPS) National Meeting in Orlando this week. Immersed in the latest in electronic packaging. Have a great week. Back next week with some thoughts on value proposition. ... [Click to Continue...]