Guest Post by Dan Lamone We can classify portions of the electromagnetic spectrum by designating the frequency OR wavelength range of electromagnetic radiation because of wonderfully simple equation: c = f * λ. The speed of light (c), a constant, is equal to the product of frequency (f) and wavelength (λ). Once a wavelength is designated we automatically know the radiation’s ... [Click to Continue...]
UV Curing: Part One, Let There be Light!
Guest Post by Dan Lamone I am honored to have received an invitation to be a guest blogger here on the Polymer Innovation Blog. We will spend the next couple months discussing a favorite subject of mine – ultraviolet (UV) curing. A versatile toolset in the engineering toolbox, the photochemical reaction mechanism employed by UV curable resins provides development and ... [Click to Continue...]
Blog Topics for 2016
I trust all my readers had a nice relaxing holiday season and are ready to start the new year. At Polymer Innovation Blog, we have an exciting line-up planned for 2016. We have a series of guest blog posts lined up authored by several InnoCentrix consultants: Dan Lamone will have an extensive series on UV curing Dr. Robert Humphreys will be back with updates on the ... [Click to Continue...]
Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year
At this time of the year it is great to be able to spend time with family and friends and reflect on all of our blessings over the past year. Best wishes to all my readers for a safe and relaxing Holiday Season and Happy New Year. Back by popular demand in our “chemistree” ... [Click to Continue...]
Fillers in Action: Electrically Conductive Thermosets
Over the last several posts we have been discussing how fillers can be used to significantly modify the physical properties of thermosets including lowering the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and increasing the thermal conductivity. In this post we will discuss some ways fillers can be used to make electrically conductive thermosets. A good example of an electrically ... [Click to Continue...]