Polymer Innovation Checkout
These will replaced by product specific details in live view.

Gelation Vitrification and Introduction to Cure Kinetics
Video Training - Gelation, Vitrification, and Introduction to Cure Kinetics by Dr. Bruce Prime
Subscription Terms With VAT: %%TRIAL_AMT%% %%CURRENCY_CODE%% for the first %%TRIAL_PERIOD%% days then %%RECUR_AMT%% %%CURRENCY_CODE%% for each %%RECURRING_PERIOD%% days.

Gelation Vitrification and Introduction to Cure Kinetics
Video Training - Gelation, Vitrification, and Introduction to Cure Kinetics by Dr. Bruce Prime
Subscription Terms With VAT: %%TRIAL_AMT%% %%CURRENCY_CODE%% for the first %%TRIAL_PERIOD%% days then %%RECUR_AMT%% %%CURRENCY_CODE%% for each %%RECURRING_PERIOD%% days.